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Morning Mocha Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Morning Mocha Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Coffee. Many of us run on coffee. But it’s important to get some nutrients in before getting your morning jolt! (Coffee on an empty stomach doesn’t do your body any favors). 

What if we told you there’s a way to combine some caffeine with nutrients? Enter: mocha smoothie bowl. 

We love smoothies. And we love coffee. So now we can COMBINE them to make a nutrient-dense, caffeine-infused, delicious breakfast! With a consistency more similar to ice cream, this smoothie bowl is a great way to start your morning. It’s full of protein, Vitamin B6, Potassium, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and fiber. And it’s so easy! So grab your blender, grab a spoon, and get your smoothie bowl going.

By Previnex®
  • 1 large frozen banana
  • ½ cup chocolate almond milk (more if necessary)
  • 1 scoop Previnex Nourify PLUS® Chocolate protein powder
  • 1 packet organic instant coffee
  • 1 cup spinach (if you want a superfood boost! You can’t taste it, don’t worry ????).
  • A few ice cubes

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