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Natural Remedies for Joint Pain

March 22, 2024
Natural Remedies for Joint Pain
By Previnex®

Whether it’s caused from arthritis, injuries, or other issues, joint pain can be inconvenient and at times, life-altering. While there are medications you can take to alleviate overall joint pain, there are also natural remedies and joint pain supplements that can substantially help as well! So let’s dig into some of the best natural remedies to help alleviate joint pain. 

Physical Activity

Staying active is one of the best ways to alleviate joint pain! Walking, cycling, swimming, and other low-impact exercises can help you manage weight, keep your joints flexible, and strengthen the muscles around your joints. Maintaining a regular exercise routine also helps alleviate fatigue, and can decrease your risk of heart disease. It’s important, however, to make sure you’re sticking with low-impact movements. You don’t want to exhaust your joints more than they already are, at least while you're building the muscles around them. 

Heat Therapies

Using heat therapy, such as sauna bathing, hot showers, hot baths, and electric blankets can help alleviate joint stiffness and improve mobility. Sauna bathing can help with long-term joint stiffness as well as any day to day stiffness. Showers, baths, and blankets can be used to relieve any pain you’re feeling in a moment. Soaking or applying heat, especially when you struggle with joint pain, improves blood circulation, which helps more blood and oxygen to move to and through the affected joints and muscles.

Cold Therapies

Just as heat therapy can help alleviate joint stiffness and improve overall mobility, reducing inflammation is one of the main benefits of cold therapies. Also called cryotherapy, cold therapy works by reducing blood flow to a particular area—especially around a joint or tendon—which reduces inflammation and swelling that causes pain. The most common and most accessible ways to apply cold therapy are via ice packs, coolant sprays, ice baths (also cold plunging), or ice massages. For more advanced cold therapy, you can utilize cryostretching, cryokinetics, or whole-body cold therapy chambers.

Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Your diet plays a large part in your overall health, including joint pain. When it comes to eating anti-inflammatory foods, there are a few that can help specifically with joint pain and arthritis:

  • Fatty fish. In particular, salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout are all high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can significantly help decrease inflammation in the body. Since you can only get Omega-3s from your diet, taking a high-quality supplement like Omega Pure PLUS® is a great way to get all those nutrients!
  • Healthy fats such as avocados and olives or olive oil. Olives and olive oil are high in the antioxidant oleocanthal and high in oleic acid, making them good for reducing inflammation.
  • Turmeric. This spice contains a significant amount of antioxidants, and circumin is a natural anti-inflammatory compound.
  • Bone broth. Glucosamine, chondroitin, and other amino acids are all beneficial in helping to relieve joint pain, and bone broth contains all of these! It also contains calcium, which helps with bone density. 


This is just a short list of the anti-inflammatory foods and beverages that can help relieve joint pain. When you struggle with pain in your body, eating a primarily anti-inflammatory diet can help decrease the pressure on your joints and bones, and in turn, relieve that pain. 

Take High-Quality Herbal Supplements

Herbs are nature’s medicine, and lucky for us, most of them are made into supplements! Herbs such as boswellia, turmeric, devil’s claw, and willow bark can help decrease joint pain and inflammation in your body. Here at Previnex, we also have a supplement called Joint Health PLUS®, which combines two ingredients clinically proven to relieve joint pain: Boswellin® and NEM®. Boswellin® is a clinically studied form of boswellia, and NEM® (which stands for natural eggshell membrane) has gone through clinical studies where it has been shown to reduce joint pain, reduce joint stiffness, and improve joint flexibility in 7-10 days. It’s also been clinically proven to be up to 5x more effective and beneficial than glucosamine and chondroitin alone or in combination.


Herbal supplements carry numerous benefits and can help you see long-lasting results. But please make sure to consult your doctor before you take or add any supplements to your health regimen.

The Bottom Line

It’s important to keep your joints supported, limber, and in good health. So whether you’re struggling generally with inflammation in your body, have arthritis, recovering from an injury, or something else, use these tips for healthy ways to relieve your joint pain to maximize and support a happy, healthy lifestyle.

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